Automated metering systems

AMR provide commercial and technical metering of energy resources, operational control of the current workload, commercial metering and operational control of supply or release of energy, decision support in planning and make energy saving policy in the enterprise.
Automated metering system of commercial power energy accounting
Basic functions of commercial power energy accounting are as following:
- Creating general information space for the commercial interests of all subjects United Power Energy Market of Ukraine;
- Operational control of energy distribution and energy consumption;
- Increasing efficiency of energy consumption mode control;
- Improving the accuracy and reliability of the data;
- Enhancing of energy consumption mode control;
- Identification and forecasting of component of power balance;
- AMR work with adjacent automated control system;
- Analyzing of power energy use and load;
- Control technical status of measurement equipment;
- Reduction of power energy losses and profits by:
- Improve the accuracy;
- Reduce costs for maintenance and repair of equipment;
- Determine where power energy was theft;
- Reduce the working time with data and rapid management decisions;
- Optimum use of equipment;
Currently supported protocols and devices accounting meters are as following:
- ABB Alpha type A1R
- ABB EuroALFA modification EA10;
- FAG-12;
- Landis & Gyr_ZxB;
- Landis & Gyr_ZxD;
- Landis & Gyr_EMH;
- Elgama LZQM, EMS;
- Metcom;
- Schlumberger SL-7000;
- Itek;
- Merkuriy_230;
- Shape;
- CE-303 Energomera;
- CE-304 Energomera;
- Ce-Energomera 6850;
- SET-4 (Frunze Factory);
- RTU CM-64;
- Elvin;
- Energy - 9;
- Mercury-200;
- Alpha A1140;
- SEB-2A.07;
- ZxQ;
- Alpha A1800;
- ACE6000 (dlms);
- Satec;
- MST-04 Kommunar;
- NEC 2303, 2401;
- and others.
System provides accounting:
- Control of active and reactive power energy;
- Control of active and reactive power;
- Losses in energy transferring;
- Quantity of power energy for each of account point;
AMR reference period are as such:
- 3 minutes;
- An hour;
- Day;
- Month;
- Quarter;
- Year;
- Any period.
The proposed system has two-level hierarchical structure:
- High level - business management;
- The lower level - the objects control.
Automated metering system for technical accounting of power energy
Basic functions of AMR system for technical accounting of power energy are as following:
- Automated accounting of power energy;
- Calculation of the balance and the amount of energy;
- Control and diagnostic;
- Lowering of commercial and technical losses;
- Optimization of production and lower energy consumption;
- Planning and accounting;
- Lowering of production costs;
- Exclusion of the human factor;
- Reduction of the spending;
Objects of automation for metering by AMR are following:
- Electricity;
- Water;
- Steam;
- Heat;
- Saturated vapor;
- Condensate;
- Argon;
- Oxygen;
- Nitrogen;
- Natural gas;
- Converter gas;
- Blast furnace gas;
- Coke oven gas;
- Air.