Billing systems
Billing Systems
Billing system is designed to automate the personnel departments of energy retail businesses and provides to resolve tasks of settlement with industrial and equivalent consumers of electricity.
- Maintain contracts with consumers;
- Maintain catalogs;
- Automatic input of indications of measuring points from AMR system database and manual input of indications based on customers and inspectors reports;
- Provide settlements based on AMR system information calculated in accordance with tariff zones, calculation penalties etc. Calculation of the efficiency of electricity supply;
- Automatic input of bank payments and electronic registers for payments and manual input of payments;
- Posting of payments by the type of accounts;
- Control of personal accounts;
- Considerate of the address supply;
- Form of accounting documents.
Users of the system:
- Settlement department with industrial customers;
- State Power Inspection Service;
- Department of the distribution and control;
- Authority.
Maintenance contracts with subscribers
Billing system contains all the necessary information about consumers and payers: bank details and location addresses, belonging to the branches, ministries, administrative districts, agencies and consumer groups, the points of accounting and accounting devices for each of consumers, sub-consumers, the calculation methods and parameters of consumption.
The system provides multi-criteria consumers search. Information about settlement objects (consumers, substations, accounting terms), as well as consumers to make payment for the company power sale department, represented as tree structures.
Maintenance catalogs
Electronic catalogs help you to find the required information quickly. Billing system contains a reference to following categories:
- Cities;
- Street;
- Ministry;
- Banks;
- Suppliers;
- Currency exchange rates;
- Benefits;
- Rates.
Input indications
Billing system provides automatic loading of data on power energy consumption from the AMR system database and manually input based on reports of consumers or inspectors of Power Company. Due to the large amount of input data, on-screen forms are optimized for manual input. In the absence of data for the consumption of power energy the calculation system provides two methods of the calculation - "by the installed capacity" or " by the average consumption."
Performing calculations
Billing system provides automatic calculation accruals for the types of charges. To calculate the automatically all peculiarities are taken into consideration for the concrete consumer (specified by the contract), shall accrue penalties and interest.
When performing the Settlement takes into account such parameters: the tariff zone, consumption and generation of reactive energy, the consumer category in terms of voltage and power, belong to the industrial or non-industrial sector; limit restrictions, benefits, and source of funding for the consumer.
Entering payments
Billing system provides automatic input fees from the bank electronic payment registers, the implementation of various schemes of netting, manual input of payments.
The system implements the automatic posting of payments by type accruals according to specified priorities.
Conducting personal accounts
Billing system performs an automatic analysis of the personal accounts of subscribers to control payment discipline.
- Calculation of receivables and payables;
- Retariffing and settlement for changes in the personal accounts;
- Removal of penalties, penalties;
- Analysis of the accounts and making a decision to apply sanctions;
- Creating information about debtors;
- Preparation of certificates of account for customers requirement;
- Formation and printing requirements, payment of commissions.
Statistics and Reporting
Billing system contains a powerful system to analyze the parameters of consumption and status of accounts of consumer for the preparation of statistical and accounting materials. The system contains over forty forms and templates, reference documents, by which within minutes it can be prepared any report or statement to be submitted to the regional state administration, Power, regional or national control centers, management, accounting and consumers.
The current list can be expanded or modified by the customer as well as a developer on orders of the customer.
Preparation of statistical data produced in the context of tariffs, industries, regions, and electricity for the whole company for all categories of consumers.