Development and production software - hardware complexes

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Khartep LLC
UA Ukraine, Kharkov, 61036 11 Energeticheskaya Str.
tel./ fax: +38 (057) 717-99-44 +38 (057) 717-66-46 +38 (057) 717-96-44 +38 (057) 719-41-23

Development of automated metering system - AMR


In the process of long-term operation of automated metering systems (AMR) which were implemented for various industrial areas by Khartep Company there were defined numbers of problems that reduce the level of calculated tasks in these systems. As part of the development of AMR Khartep Company specialists  developed a subsystem that will upgrade the functionality of the AMR system and increases the level of those calculated tasks.

Description of this subsystem is excluded in the new topic which is called "Development of automated metering system - AMR" with a demonstration of the work which is presented in the form of videos.


+ 38 (057) 717-99-44
+ 38 (057) 717-66-46

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